All of the following species are linked to the Plants For A Future website. PFAF has detailed descriptions of more than 7,000 plants from around the world. If you have some spare $$, be sure to donate to the PFAF organization.
Bayberry - Myrica pensylvanica - NF
Bearberry - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Blackberry - Rubus allegheniensis
Blackberry, Smooth - Rubus canadensis
Blueberry, Sourtop - Vaccinium myrtilloides
Blueberry, Lowbush - Vaccinium angustifolium
Chokeberry, Purple - Aronia prunifolia
Chokeberry, Black - Aronia melanocarpa
Chokecherry - Prunus virginiana
Cranberry, High Bush - Viburnum trilobum Marsh
Cranberry, Large - Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait
Currant, American Red - Ribes triste
Currant, Prickly - Ribes lacustre
Currant, Stream - Ribes oxyacanthoides
Dogwood, Creeping - Cornus canadensis
Dogwood, Red-osier - Cornus sericea - Existing
Elder, American - Sambucus canadensis L.
Elder, American Red - Sambucus pubens Michx.
Elder, American Red - Sambucus racemosa
Hawthorn - Crataegus succulenta - Existing
Hazel, Beaked - Corylus cornuta
Hazel, American - Corylus americana
Hazel, Hybrids - Corylus hybrids
Huckleberry, Black - Gaylussacia baccata
Juniper, Common - Juniperus communis megistocarpa
Labrador Tea - Ledum groenlandicum
New Jersey Tea - Ceanothus americanus - NF
Pea Shrubs - Caragana arborescens - NF
Raspberry, American Red - Rubus strigosus - Existing
Raspberry, Dwarf Red - Rubus pubescens
Rose, Wild - Rosa carolina - Existing
Sea-Buckthorn - Hippophae rhamnoides - NF
Serviceberry - Amelanchier alnifolia
Silverberry - Elaeagnus commutata - NF
Snowberry - Gaultheria hispidula
Sumac, Staghorn - Rhus typhina
Sweet Fern - Comptonia peregrina - NF
Witch Hazel - Hamamelis virginiana